920 nm Femtosecond Fiber Laser

Compact, simple, and optimized for two-photon microscopy

Featuring a compact, simple, and fully-integrated design, the FemtoFiber ultra 920 with Clean-Pulse Technology offers unmatched peak-power and fluorescence image brightness for two-photon microscopy applications in neuroscience.

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Fiber lasers have emerged as a simple and cost-efficient alternative to commonly used Ti:Sapphire and OPO based laser systems in the field of two-photon microscopy offering great performance, compact size, high-reliability, and turn-key operation.

This whitepaper discusses laser parameters like wavelength tunability, peak power, GDD, and AOM options with the result that fiber lasers at distinct wavelengths of 780 nm, 920 nm, and 1050 nm are more than sufficient to address most applications in two-photon microscopy.

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FemtoFiber ultra 920 key features

  • Clean-Pulse Technology for highest peak-power and image brightness
  • AOM and GDD options available
  • Quiet, fully air-cooled design reducing animal stress in neuroscience
  • Compact and passive laser head for simple integration with a microscope

With its robust and compact design, the FemtoFiber ultra 920 is an easy to operate and maintenance-free laser system. The laser system is a great solution for applications in non-linear microscopy like two-photon excitation of fluorescent proteins and SHG based contrast mechanisms. With the emission wavelength of 920 nm it provides highest peak power for especially green and yellow fluorescent protein markers (GFP, YFP) commonly used e.g. in neurosciences and other laserrelated biophotonic disciplines.

Luisa Hofmann / Product Manager

Customer testimonials about their applications and experiences

"For me the FemtoFiber ultra 920 with its Clean-Pulse Technology has the perfect optical parameters for highest two-photon image quality. In addition, the passive and cold laser head is an essential feature since it reduces the noise in laboratory and with that the stress on the living animals"

Dr. Weijian Zong
Moser Group, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience

"I recommend the FemtoFiber ultra 920 and FemtoFiber ultra 1050 to other colleagues because both are reliable, easy to use, plug and play, with specifications that perfectly fit our purpose, no vibration on the optical table, no chiller noise, and last but not least because of the great support from TOPTICA."

Behzad Khajavi
University of Houston, USA

"The inherent stability, the ease of use, and the clean temporal pulse shape of the FemtoFiber ultra 920 make TOPTICA's fiber lasers the ideal choise for our applications in neuroscience"

Zhou Zhenqiao
Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (SIBET), China

"I chose the FemtoFiber Ultra 920 due to its short pulse, compact design, and high power which is sufficient for two systems. So it's great, the performance is as promised, the laser is very stable and the beam profile is exceptionally clean. Highly recommended!"

Prof. Yoav Adam
The Hebrew University, Israel

The FemtoFiber ultra 920 was a pleasure to work with: it is incredibly compact and easy to use, and lowers the barrier to entry for two-photon microscopy.  In particular, I appreciated the added features like integrated dispersion compensation and power control as they minimise the extra effort I need to put in when setting up a 2P microscope.  Having years of experience in multiphoton microscopy, I feel that lasers like this one that we can just "plug and play" will be game-changers for the field.

Dr. Adam Packer
University of Oxford, UK