FemtoFiber ultra

Femtosecond fiber lasers for two-photon imaging and two-photon lithography

The FemtoFiber ultra series is turn-key, fully-integrated, and optimized for multi-photon microscopy, two-photon lithography and semiconductor inspection.
TOPTICA is drawing upon 20 years of experience in developing OEM-class fiber lasers. We have tailored our FemtoFiber ultra series to provide our customers with an industrial-grade light engine for high-end applications. The reliable and compact laser design provides femtosecond pulses with high average power, excellent temporal and spatial beam quality. With a low-cost of ownership, the FemtoFiber ultra series unlocks new possibilities in two-photon microscopy and microfabrication techniques.

Reliable | Compact | Turn-key | Fully-integrated

780 nm
 > 1.0 W
< 150 fs
80 MHz
Integrated GDD & AOM

Core applications:
Semicon inspection

920 nm
> 1.5 W
< 100 fs
80 MHz
Integrated GDD & AOM

Core applications:

1050 nm
> 5 W
< 100 fs
80 MHz
Integrated GDD & AOM

Core applications:

Core applications of the FemtoFiber ultra series

Two-photon polymerization is a direct laser writing technique that allows for creating complex three-dimensional structures down to feature sizes of ~100nm.

Featured Toptica Lasers:
FemtoFiber ultra 780

Two-photon fluorescence microscopy is a key technology in biological imaging and neuroscience to enable 3D, non-invasive imaging of tissue down to a depth of hundreds of micrometers, often with calcium indicators like GCaMP or voltage sensors like JEDI2P.

Featured Toptica Lasers:
FemtoFiber ultra 780
FemtoFiber ultra 920
FemtoFiber ultra 1050

SHG-imaging and two-photon processes are routinely used in semiconductor inspection to analyse layer thickness, defects, or carrier densities.

Featured Toptica Lasers:
FemtoFiber ultra 780
FemtoFiber ultra 1050

Quantum communication is using entanglement and measurement process on a quantum state to achieve secure communication between Alice and Bob.

Featured Toptica Lasers:
FemtoFiber ultra 780