ALS-VIS Fiber Lasers & Amplifiers

Industrial grade performances for highly demanding applications

  • High power up to 10 W
  • Ultra-low intensity noise
  • High pointing and beam quality stability
  • Turnkey, maintenance free, industrial-grade systems

Industrial applications like high performance metrology in the semicon industry or quantum computing require extremely stable, reliable and powerful laser sources.

The ALS-VIS series is a range of lasers and amplifiers based on innovative fiber technology and represents a real breakthrough on the laser market especially over solid-state technologies. It combines the most stringent fiber laser specifications: high power, single mode, single frequency, ultra-low noise, to enable the most demanding applications.

This product line is linked to our ALS-IR product line by single pass SHG. Our ALS-VIS laserheads are coolerless and this design enables outstanding beam pointing stability and consistent beam quality.

The unique all-fibered architecture and the absence of complex cooling systems allows for reliability, robustness and efficient integration in industrial or academic setups.

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