Quality Management
The economic and entrepreneurial success of TOPTICA, which develops and produces high-technology products and distributes them throughout the world, depends not only on technical innovation, but also on the quality and environmental impact of the products and services we provide to our customers. By supplying our customers with innovative, high-quality products, we establish the basis for our company’s long-term success.
TOPTICA wants to establish itself on the global market based on quality, paired with a sustainable and ecologically oriented product and production policy.
"Our products always meet the highest quality demands and technical expectations of our customers."

Dr. Mathias Schindler (COO), Dr. Thomas Renner (CSO), Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders (CTO), Fabian Uhl (CFO)
For us, quality means meeting customer requirements.
Our goal is to achieve 100% customer satisfaction by:

Developing long-lasting, fault-free, reliable products that meet strict quality requirements

Complying with all technical specifications, requirements, and commitments, including punctual delivery.

Attractive, competitive prices

Fast, transparent, and cost-effective customer service

Reproducibility and traceability through documentation
TOPTICA is committed to minimise negative impact of its activities on the environment and is continuously aiming to improve. Key points of our environmental strategy are:

Minimize waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible

Minimize toxic and greenhouse gas emissions through the selection and use of our fleet

Minimize consumption of energy for electric supply and heating

Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst customers and suppliers

Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution

Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to us

Continuous dialogue with the workforce to identify and implement meaningful environmental optimisation potential

Quality and Environmental: Integrated Management System
TOPTICA's quality management system was first certified in 2006 according to ISO 9001:2015. Additionally, TOPTICA’s environmental management system was first certified in December 2020. These international standards are used in numerous industries to install the continuous process of improvement and therefore improvement of product and service quality.
Manual Integrated Managementsystem
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TOPTICA philosophy
In all our activities we observe our obligation to protect the environment, including the prevention of environmental pollution and other obligations relevant to the context of our business.
Influenceable environmental aspects of our activities, products and services and their effects are recorded by us in a registry of environmental aspects and possible risks and opportunities are assessed. All relevant activities, products and services including the life cycle are considered. Thus, we ensure that environmental aspects are monitored and systematically reduced and that conditions for continuous improvement of environmental performance are met.

Code of Conduct
In our company’s code of conduct, management sets standards that ensure
- Safe working conditions in the company.
- Respectful and dignified treatment of employees and workers involve.
- Environmentally friendly and ethically justifiable business processes.
All our employees are obliged to implement statutory provisions, internationally recognized standards, and code of conduct regulations in the company, whereby the integrated management system is intended to support management and the employees. In addition, the company should as far as possible, ensure that its direct business partners (suppliers, customers, cooperation partners) also abide by the code of conduct presented.