SHG pro
Frequency-doubling unit
- Compact module for resonant frequency doubling
- Best cw conversion rates
- Wavelengths: 205 .. 800 nm, linewidth dependant on seed laser
- Highest stability and Ease of Use: pro technology
- For Ti:Sapphire, dye, gas, fiber and diode lasers
The SHG pro is the device of choice, if existing lasers are to be frequency doubled. Designed in TOPTICA’s pro technology, it unites highly stable performance and convenient operation. Mirror and crystal holders can be adjusted without opening the resonator cover. A wide range of non-linear crystals covers SHG wavelengths from 205 to 800 nm. Together with the customer TOPTICA will find the optimum parameters for frequency doubling. A professional installation by TOPTICA ensures the specified performance is achieved.
Wavelength range* 410 .. 1600 nm → 205 .. 800 nm Optical conversion efficiency** Up to 70% with an ideal fundamental source and higher powers. Beam quality Near-diffraction limited Beam diameter 1...3 mm Coarse tuning 2 .. 20 nm Continuous scan range > 80 GHz @ 400 nm - Additional Information
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