Photoconductive Switches
Compact modules for pulsed terahertz generation
- Fiber-Coupled InGaAs Antennas
- SM/PM fiber pigtail and Silicon lens included
- High bandwidth > 6 THz, typ. 70 µW power
- Core components of TeraFlash pro and TeraFlash smart
Pulsed terahertz generation with leading-edge technology: InGaAs antennas provide about 30 µW power and a bandwidth of 6 THz. The emitter and detector modules, developed by Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz Institute (Berlin/Germany), are packaged with a Silicon lens and SM/PM fiber. A new transceiver combines emitter and receiver in a single housing, enabling reflection measurements at vertical incidence. All devices can be used with TOPTICA’s TeraFlash pro and TeraFlash smart, but are available as individual modules too.
Specifications Photoconductive Switches Terahertz emitter InGaAs/InP photoconductive switch with strip-line antenna Terahertz receiver InGaAs/InP photoconductive switch with dipole antenna Emitter / receiver bandwidth 6 THz - Additional Information
- Applications
- Downloads
- Publication: M. Yahyapour et al., Fastest thickness measurements with a terahertz time-domain system based on electronically controlled optical sampling; Appl. Sciences (2019)
- Overview Article: Lang, M., et al., Laser-based terahertz generation & applications, Photonik International (2012)
- Scientific Paper: Vieweg et al., Terahertz-time domain spectrometer with 90 dB peak dynamic range, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves, 2014
- Review paper: Naftaly, M., et al., Industrial applications of terahertz sensing: State of play, Sensors (2019)
- Scientific paper: Damyanov, D., et al., High resolution lensless terahertz imaging and ranging, IEEE Access (2019)
Related Products
- TeraFlash pro: Time-domain terahertz platform
- TeraFlash smart
- Imaging Extension