FALC 110 & mFALC 110
Fast laser locking module
- For linewidth reduction and phase locking (mFALC)
- PID regulator with less than 15 ns signal delay
- 90° phase delay at 45 MHz
- Addresses laser current (fast) and slow element (drift)
- Sub-Hz laser linewidths demonstrated
The Fast Analog Linewidth Control (FALC 110) is a module for advanced laser frequency stabilization tasks, such as linewidth reduction and high-bandwidth frequency locking. Due to an optimized circuit layout, the -3 dB bandwidth of the fastest signal path reaches 100 MHz.
The Mixing FALC (mFALC) additionally comprises an analog mixer for phase detection, and is designed for fast phase locking of two lasers to an external RF reference.
Concept Module of DC 110 series, for high-bandwidth frequency locking (FALC) or phase locking of two lasers to an external reference (mFALC) Input section Inputs Two high-speed differential inputs, adjustable input offset Fast circuit branch PID regulator < 15 ns signal delay Phase delay < 45° @ 10 MHz
∼ 90° @ 45 MHzDC gain 15 dB to 80 dB Output voltage range Max. +/- 2 V @ 50 Ω Slow integrator Bandwidth 10 kHz (for grating piezo or laser temperature control) DC gain Typ. 110 dB Output voltage range Max. +/- 5 V, high-impedance load RF input (beat signal of two lasers, mFALC only) Frequency range 10 MHz .. 200 MHz Optimum input voltage range 10 mVpp .. 700 mVpp (-35 .. +1 dBm) Max. input voltage, DC 5 V Max. input voltage, AC 4.5 V pp LO input (local oscillator, to be mixed with RF input, mFALC only) Frequency range 10 MHz .. 200 MHz, sine wave preferred Max. input voltage, DC 2 V Max. input voltage, AC 2.8 V pp For use with TOPTICA’s tunable diode lasers, an AC modulation input is required on the laser head.
- Additional Information
- High-bandwidth laser frequency stabilization
- Linewidth reduction of ECDL and selected DFB lasers
- Phase locking of two lasers
- Difference frequency stabilization
- Precision frequency control (BEC, quantum optics, metrology)
TOPTICA offers a wide portfolio of modules for laser linewidth manipulation: High-bandwidth regulators like FALC 110 and DigiLock 110 have been shown to achieve sub-Hertz linewidth values.
- Product Brochure Scientific Lasers (please see website for latest specs!)
- Application Note: 12 orders of coherence control
- Scientific Publication: Y.N. Zhao et al., Sub-Hertz frequency stabilization of a commercial diode laser, Optics Comm. 283 (2010)
- Scientific Publication: F. Friederich et al., Phase-locking of the beat signal of two distributed-feedback diode lasers to oscillators working in the MHz to THz range, Opt. Express 18:8 (2010)
- Scientific Publication: F. Friederich et al., Hybrid continuous-wave demodulating multipixel terahertz imaging systems, IEEE Transact. Microwave Theory and Techn. 58:7 (2010)
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