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  • Quantum Quiz App

    Quantum Quiz is a fun app, developed by employees, partners and friends of TOPTICA Photonics. You can win nothing but knowledge and the joy of the game. You do not need to buy anything.

    There are 3 levels per game:

    Level 1 can typically be answered by people with a general interest in Optics/Physics/Science and a sense of humor.

    Level 2 can typically be answered by people who paid attention during their physics classes at university.

    Level 3 can typically be answered by experts in the field of quantum technologies.

    Currently there are 700+ questions in the library. If you want to suggest your own quantum-related question, please submit it via this web form or via „Submit a question“ in this app. Do not forget the three wrong answers, they are as important as the correct one.
    A reference in the comments section is welcome.

    Take a look at the leaderboard to see the monthly high score.

    Do you want details of how the quiz app works?
    Learn how to play.

    We hope you have a quantum of joy playing this quiz.

    Your TOPTICA team

  • Laser Microscopy Quiz App

    Laser Microscopy Quiz is a fun app, developed by employees, partners and friends of TOPTICA Photonics. You can win nothing but knowledge and the joy of the game. You do not need to buy anything.

    There are 3 levels per game:

    Level 1 can typically be answered by people with a general interest in Optics/Physics/Science and a sense of humor.

    Level 2 can typically be answered by people who paid attention during their physics classes at university.

    Level 3 can typically be answered by experts in the field of microscopy technologies.

    Currently there are 180+ questions in the library. If you want to suggest your own quantum-related question, please submit it via this web form or via „Submit a question“ in this app. Do not forget the three wrong answers, they are as important as the correct one. A reference in the comments section is welcome.

    Take a look at the leaderboard to see the monthly high score.

    Do you want details of how the quiz app works?
    Learn how to play.

    We hope you have joy playing this quiz.

    Your TOPTICA team

  • ToptiCalc App


    Calculator for Laser Optics

    ToptiCalcTM is TOPTICA Photonics scientific calculator specially designed for use in optics laboratories. We dedicate this helpful calculator to our customers, physicists and engineers, people that work hard in order to make optics and lasers useful for science and industry. It is free and we hope it can help to make some of your calculations easier!

    You are a physicist reading a chemistry paper. Why do they always use wavenumbers instead of wavelengths...? ToptiCalcTM helps you in your everyday laboratory life by offering simple but pratical optics calculations like:

    • Spectral unit conversion
    • Calculating spot sizes for focussed Gaussian beams
    • Fabry-Perot calculations
    • Reflection and diffraction at plane glass surfaces
    • Pulse train calculations
    • Short pulse properties and chirp
    • Conversion between linear and decibel scale

    Special features of ToptiCalc™ (PC-version only):

    Mathematical expressions are entered via a simple intuitive syntaxSimply enter the calculation like you would write it down. ToptiCalcTM supports the operators + , - , * , / , ^ (power) and the predefined functions sin (x), cos (x), tan (x), arcsin (x), arccos (x), arctan (x), sqrt (x), exp (x),
    ln (x), log (x) and pi
    Dots AND commas are accepted as decimal separatorsDots AND commas are accepted as decimal separators
    A history list collects all entered expressions and the calculated resultsYou can always check whether you really entered the correct expression
    With a double click on the history list an old expression can be inserted into the current expressionYou can easily modify earlier calculations or use and combine earlier results for new calculations
    With a right-click selected parts or the complete history list can be transferred to the clipboardYou easily insert your calculations and results into any text
    Important fundamental constants are available in SI units (feature 'const SI')A convenient selection of fundamental constants saves frequent looking up in textbooks
    Spectroscopic constants are available in convenient and useful 'lab units' (feature 'const lab')Often the SI units are too awkward for real laboratory life. If you want to e.g. translate the optical path length (which you measured with your ruler in millimeters) into a temporal delay in picoseconds its much more convenient to have the speed of light directly in mm/ps.... Thus ToptiCalcTM provides some important fundamental constants in common alternative units
    Arbitrary functions and variables can be defined by the userYou can easily define your own frequently needed functions and constants, and save them to your harddisk.
    Do you often need to calculate an index of refraction of your glass for different wavelengths? Just define the relevant Sellmeier function. Or do you often need Planck's constant for translating frequencies into energies? Simply define a constant h.Pressing CTRL+X in the input line or or right-clicking in the history list provides a very easy and quick way to define a variable with the value of the current expression or any older calculation, respectively

    Download a desktop version

    Download a mobile version for Android

    Download a mobile version for iOS
