Worldwide entities
The TOPTICA group today has 600 employees in 7 entities with a consolidated group revenue of close to 140 Mio € (155 Mio $):
- TOPTICA Photonics AG
- TOPTICA Photonics Inc. (USA)
- TOPTICA Photonics SAS (France)
- TOPTICA Photonics K.K. (Japan)
- TOPTICA Photonics (China) Co., Ltd.
- TOPTICA Projects GmbH
- TOPTICA eagleyard GmbH
The lasers basically cover all wavelengths for major applications in quantum technologies, biophotonics and industrial metrology.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Headquarter Germany
Founded in 1998 near Munich (Germany), TOPTICA became one of the leading laser photonics companies by aiming for, and consistently delivering high-end specifications. TOPTICA develops and manufactures high-end laser systems for scientific and industrial applications. The portfolio includes diode lasers, ultrafast fiber lasers, terahertz systems and frequency combs. OEM customers, scientists, and over a dozen Nobel laureates all acknowledge the world-class exceptional specifications of TOPTICA’s lasers, as well as their reliability and longevity.

Located in Graefelfing (Munich), Germany
Executive Board
Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders
Dr. Thomas Renner
Dr. Mathias Schindler
Fabian Uhl
Legal Form
Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
Manufactured Systems:
Single Mode Diode Lasers, Single Frequency Lasers, Tunable Diode Lasers, ps/fs Fiber Lasers, Terahertz Systems, Frequency Combs, Laser Rack Systems, Multi-Laser Engines, Photonicals
TOPTICA Photonics Inc.
Subsidiary North America
The US-based TOPTICA subsidiary in New York State was founded in 2002 and plays a strong role in the TOPTICA global picture. In addition to distributing the wide range of TOPTICA products manufactured in Germany, the North American location is responsible for the development and manufacture of optical isolators and continuous wave optical parametric oscillators (the TOPO). Additionally, it engages in ongoing research and development projects for the creation of future product lines. Our North American headquarters employs nearly 50 people and boasts almost 3,000 m² in office, warehouse, clean room, and manufacturing lab spaces.
Located in Pittsford, NY, USA
Mark Tolbert
Dr. Thomas Renner
Manufactured Systems:
Optical Isolators, OPO's
Subsidiary France
TOPTICA Photonics SAS was founded in May 2023. It emerged from former Azurlight Systems SAS, a world-leading manufacturer of high-power low-noise fiber lasers and amplifiers, via a friendly acquisition of the majority ownership of Azurlight by TOPTICA. Located in Pessac/Bordeaux (France), the French hub of the TOPTICA group, demonstrates TOPTICA´s commitment to the local high-tech and research ecosystem, including a Joint-Lab arrangement with the LP2N Institute of Optics Aquitaine. Besides the development and manufacturing of fiber lasers and amplifiers, TOPTICA Photonics SAS will also become the local point of contact for sales & service of all TOPTICA products in France.
Located in Pessac/Bordeaux, France
Dr. Nicholas Traynor
General Manager
Dr. Jürgen Stuhler
Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders
Manufactured Systems:
CW Fiber Lasers & Amplifiers
TOPTICA Photonics K.K.
Subsidiary Japan
Due to the importance of Japan in the high technology and optics industry, TOPTICA founded an office for sales, marketing and service in Japan in September 2016. Currently it consists of four people and is located in Fuchu/Tokyo. All team members have worked with TOPTICA products before, especially Taro Saito who is their managing director. Japan is an important region for TOPTICA due to its high density of high tech industries and academic research centers.
Located in Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Taro Saito
Dr. Thomas Renner
TOPTICA Photonics (China) Co., Ltd
Subsidiary China
In order to serve the needs of the Chinese academic and industrial sectors in the markets of quantum technologies, biophotonics and materials (processing, test & measurement) better, TOPTICA Photonics China was founded in March 2019. Headed by Dr. Jürgen Stuhler (Chairman) of TOPTICA Photonics AG, and Jason Fu (Manager), the goal of TOPTICA Photonics China is to provide unparalleled sales, service and application support for the full range of laser technologies developed and produced by TOPTICA Photonics.

Located in Shanghai & Beijing, China
Chairman & General Manager
Dr. Jürgen Stuhler
TOPTICA Projects GmbH
In order to serve high complexity laser projects more efficiently TOPTICA Photonics AG has founded TOPTICA Projects GmbH in 2016. TOPTICA Projects offers state-of-the-art guide star lasers for astronomical adaptive optics. These lasers deliver more than 20 W of single-frequency output at the sodium resonance of 589 nm and already provide outstanding performance at most of the major ground-based observatories worldwide. In addition, it is the home of TOPTICA’s award-winning Guide Star laser activities.

Located in Graefelfing (Munich), Germany
Managing Directors
Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders
Dr. Frank Lison, CEO
Armin Zach, CTO
Manufactured Systems:
Special Projects
Guide Star Lasers
eagleyard Photonics GmbH
Eagleyard Photonics GmbH develops and manufactures high power laser diodes – the key components for next generation laser systems. These high power laser diodes are produced in close cooperation with the renowned Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik and represent reliable product results of top research performances.TOPTICA Photonics AG has acquired the majority ownership of the Berlin-based laser diode manufacturer eagleyard Photonics GmbH in 2013. TOPTICA Photonics rebranded its daughter company in June 2020.

Located in Berlin, Germany
Managing Directors
Claus Heitmann
Dr. Wilhelm Kaenders
Manufactured Systems:
High Power Laser Diodes