Terahertz Optomechanics
Setups for transmission or reflection measurements
- Transmission: versatile sets with 3D precision-stages
- Collimated beam (2 mirrors) or focussed beam (4 mirrors)
- Reflection: compact head with 4 mirrors
- Spot size: typ. 1 mm @ 1 THz
TOPTICA offers different sets of optomechanics, designed for the most common beam-path configurations. For transmission-mode experiments, three rail-based assemblies produce a collimated terahertz beam (2-mirror setups), or an additional focus (4-mirror setup). For applications that require a reflection geometry, a compact reflection head generates a focus at the location of the sample. The optomechanics are compatible with photoconductive antennas for both frequency-domain and time-domain applications.
Specifications THz Optics / Tr Comp
(Compact 2-mirror setup)THz Optics / Tr 2M
(2-mirror setup)THz Optics / Tr 4M
(4-mirror setup)THz Optics / Ref 4M
(Standard reflection head)User mode Transmission Transmission Transmission Reflection Terahertz beam collimated collimated collimated and focussed focused Compatibility TeraFlash pro, TeraFlash smart, TeraScan 1550 TeraFlash pro, TeraFlash smart, TeraScan 1550, TeraScan 780 TeraFlash pro, TeraFlash smart, TeraScan 1550, TeraScan 780 TeraFlash pro, TeraFlash smart, TeraScan 1550 - Applications
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