ALS-IR Fiber Lasers & Amplifiers
Single frequency CW for your power hungry application
- High power up to 130 W
- Active noise reduction system
- Turnkey, maintenance free, industrial-grade systems
Advanced quantum technology applications demand high performance and high power light sources. Be it gravitational wave detection or quantum computing.
The ALS-IR series is a range of lasers and amplifiers based on innovative fiber technology and represents a real breakthrough on the laser market especially over solid-state technologies. It combines the most stringent fiber laser specifications: high power, single mode, single frequency, ultra-low noise, to enable the most demanding applications.
Our products show ultra-low intensity noise compared to other laser technologies.
As an option, we propose the ANRS (Active Noise Reduction System) that allows an intensity noise reduction of >15 dB in the low frequencies.
The unique all-fibered architecture and the absence of complex cooling systems allows for reliability, robustness and efficient integration in industrial or academic setups.
- Specification
Wavelength 976 nm 1012 .. 1028 nm 1028 .. 1070 nm 1070 .. 1085 nm 1085 .. 1120 nm 1535 .. 1570 nm 1762 nm Output power Up to 10 W Up to 100 W Up to 130 W Up to 50 W Up to 40 W Up to 10 W Up to 3 W Min input power > 120 mW > 30 mW > 10 mW > 10 mW > 30 mW > 10 mW > 20 mW Single frequency compatible Yes Input connection FC/APC Spatial mode TEM00 Beam quality M² < 1.1 Beam diameter « free space » 1.0 ± 0.2 mm Long term power stability
(CP mode of operation)< ± 0.5 % Noise [100 Hz - 10 MHz] < 0.01 % RMS Pointing stability < +/-2 µrad/°C Output polarization Vertically polarized > 300 : 1 Output power tunability 1 to 100 % (10 to 100 % recommended) Laser control multi-turn potentiometer, touch screen, analog voltage, remote control interface - Additional Information
- Options
The ALS-IR series can be supplied as lasers with the addition of the proper seed laser. Ask us for the best fit for your application.
Rack cooling: Air-cooled or water-cooled. Note that some architecture must be associated with a water-cooled rack
Fibered optical output: Up to 10W of power, the ALS-IR series can be supplied with a fibered output with a FC/APC connector
Active Noise Reduction System: This noise eating option reduces the intensity noise even further (Typically -155dB/Hz between 1 kHz…10MHz). It must be implemented in a water-cooled rack.
Remote Control Interface: This device enables a full remote control of the product via a GUI and a USB connection (read/write). Serial commands are available for integration in a supervision.
- Applications
- Fundamental Quantum Technology
- Applied Quantum Technology
- High performance instrumentation based on interferometry like gravitational wave detection systems for example
- High brightness laser pumping
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