FemtoFiber ultra 780
Femtosecond fiber laser for two-photon lithography and semiconductor metrology
- Powering the fastest two-photon lithography on the market
- Super-compact cold laser head
- Fully software controllable system
- Optional internal AOM
In nanolithography applications and semiconductor microanalysis, resolution and stability are key to generate exceptional results.
TOPTICA's industrial-grade, compact, turn-key, and robust fiber-laser technology provides highest intrinsic stability and allows for deep integration of the light source into your equipment. The excellent spatial beam profile guarantees unmatched focusability and resolution, enabling you to unlock the true potential of your application. Sufficient power, short pulses, and an extremely clean temporal pulse shape combined with options for dispersion compensation and power control make the FemtoFiber ultra 780 the ideal choice for next generation two-photon polymerization and semiconductor analysis.
Laser Specifications* SP
(Short-pulse)Standard HP
(High-power)Center wavelength 780 nm Pulse duration < 100 fs < 150 fs < 170 fs Average output power [w. AOM, optional] > 1000 [>800] mW > 1000 [>1000] mW > 1500 [>1200] mW Repetition rate 80 MHz Motorized dispersion precompensation (GDD) -30,000 .. 0 fs² - Additional Information
- 2P-Polymerization
- Semiconductor inspection
- Multiphoton Microscopy
- SHG microscopy
- Product info
- USB/Ethernet drivers
- Scientific Paper: Dennis Eggert, et al., Differentiation of Tumors of the Upper Respiratory Tract Using Optical Metabolic Imaging, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: Volume 57, Issue 2, February 2025
- Scientific Article: Marie Reischke, Oliver Vanderpoorten, Florian Stroehl, Rapid prototyping of 1xN multifocus gratings via additive direct laser writing - ScienceDirect, Micro and Nano Engineering Volume 19, June 2023, 100186
- Scientific Article: Manfred Bayer, et al., Lifting reSEO strictions on coherence loss when characterizing non-transparent hypersonic phononic crystals, Nature, Scientific Reports 11, Article number: 17174 (2021)
- Scientific Paper: Sponges as bioindicators for microparticulate pollutants? (2021)
- Scientific Article: Yuichi Yoshida, et al., Detection of Lung Cancer Cells in Solutions Using a Terahertz Chemical Microscope, Sensors (2021)
- Scientific Article: Manfred Bayer, et al., Resonant thermal energy transfer to magnons in a ferromagnetic nanolayer, Nature, Nature Communications 11, Article number: 4130 (2020)
- Scientific Paper: Cell and tissue manipulation with ultrashort infrared laser pulses in light-sheet microscopy (2020)
- Scientific Paper: Comparing the performance of a femto fiber-based laser and a Ti:sapphire used for multiphoton microscopy applications (2019)
- Application Note: Time-resolved microscopy and spectroscopy using asynchronously synchronized fiber lasers (2018)
- Application Note: Multiphoton microscopy using a femtosecond fiber laser system (2016)