iChrome CLE and iChrome CLE-50
Compact And Efficient Four-Color Laser Engine
- 405, 488, 561, 640 nm with > 20/50 mW each
- Best image contrast and unsurpassed lifetime by AOM/AOTF-free all diode design
- COOLAC automatic alignment, never again waste valuable lab time for manual laser alignment
- Complete off on all wavelengths
- Four colors in one box
TOPTICA’s iChrome CLE is a compact laser engine that combines four laser lines in one box. All integrated colors are provided via one polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber. It is available with 405, 488, 561 and 640 nm at a 20 mW or 50 mW guaranteed output power out of the fiber. The iChrome CLE incorporates TOPTICA’s proprietary FDDL (Frequency Doubled Diode Laser) for the 561 nm line. This technology provides unique advantages for the user. For the first time, a 561 nm line can be treated as „diode“ with its superior modulation properties, including fast response times, low power consumption and complete off (zero photon) in the off state.
The system guarantees a plug & play installation as the included COOLAC automatic alignment technology will restore full fiber coupling efficiency at the push of a button. OEM integration is easy via the fully unified user interface. All features are addressable via RS232 or Ethernet. The industry standard analog and digital interfaces make the iChrome CLE compatible to existing setups. The iChrome CLE represents the easy to use entry point for a fully integrated and automated laser engine. Customers can take care of their research without the need to ever worry about their illumination source.
Wavelength 405 nm 488 nm 561 nm 640 nm Center wavelength range ± 4 nm ± 4 nm ± 2 nm +3 / -5 nm Fiber coupled cw output power 20 mW / 50 mW 20 mW / 50 mW 20 mW / 50 mW 20 mW / 50 mW - Additional Information
Standard Features:
- COOLAC: Constant Optical Output Level by push-button auto-recalibration. This feature ensures full drop-shipment capability and best stability even under heavily changing ambient conditions
- FINE: Feedback Induced Noise Eraser for laser diode based wavelengths. Immunization to optical feedback, ideal for fiber coupling and reflective surfaces
Optional Features:
- FiberOut: Fiber collimator for FC/APC and FC/PC fibers
- Flow cytometry
- Confocal microscopy
- Live-cell imaging
- High throughput screening
- Genome analyzers
- Optogenetics
- Downloads
- Article: Konstantin Birngruber, Stephan Falke Demand-tailored laser systems: Integrated multi-color laser solutions for quantum optics and biophotonics, Physik Journal Physics’ Best 2019
- German Article: Konstantin Birngruber, Stephan Falke Bedarfsoptimierte Lasersysteme - Integrierte Multi-Farben-Laserlösungen für Quantenoptik und Biophotonik, Physik Journal Best of 2018
- Article: Four‐Color Laser Engine for Efficient Confocal Microscopy (Optik & Photonik 2018)
- Article: Klaviatur der Farben (LASER 2011)
- Article: Lasers for Confocal Microscopy (Imaging & Microscopy 2011)
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