We are showcasing our latest laser systems, applications, and company updates. Click on the headline to read the entire post.
Press Contact
Mr. Jan Brubacher
+49 89 85837-1230
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TOPTICA Tuesday: From Quantum 1.0 to Quantum 2.0
Last week, our president Wilhelm Kaenders held a keynote presentation at the OSA Frontiers in Optics Conference in Washington about his vision of the…
TOPTICA Tuesday Product Special: Laser Diodes
TOPTICA is a provider of fully-integrated laser systems, but also offers a large variety of wavelength-selected single-mode laser diodes between 370…
10 years of Terahertz Activities
TOPTICA celebrates 10 years of terahertz activities! At LASER Munich 2007, TOPTICA presented their first continuous-wave terahertz system, having…
TOPTICA Tuesday - Funding for quantum technologies
TOPTICA Tuesday - Funding for quantum technologies: The German government has published a paper about the industry perspective on quantum…
Wavelength Special: 1 µm pulsed lasers
Pulsed lasers with emission wavelengths around 1 µm enable a variety of applications. Due to their short pulse durations that can be as short as…
OSA's Team Engineering Excellence Award goes to TOPTICA
The Guide Star Alliance - consisting of TOPTICA Photonics, MPB Communications and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) - will be rewarded with the…