Ultrafast laser technology has seen a tremendous success ever since it was introduced. Laser developer are still pushing the limits, e.g. the pulse duration of lasers down to a single optical cycle and the peak power up to tera- or even petawatt. On the other hand, a variety of possible applications has emerged outside the laser laboratories. Mainly the high peak power and short pulse duration make ultrafast lasers very attractive for some specific methods. Both induce nonlinear effects and open new paths in engineering and fundamental research. Independent of the application, a key for successful integration of ultrafast lasers into a setup is the reduction of complexity. Today, one expects an ultrafast laser to operate by pushing a single button.
TOPTICA‘s answer to these expectations resulted in several sophisticated products: The FemtoFiber pro and FemtoFiber smart series, as well as the new FemtoFiber dichro and FemtoFiber ultra. All these fiber laser systems are based on polarization- maintaining fibers. Reliable modelocking is achieved with a saturable absorber mirror (SAM). Only high quality components with extraordinary long lifetimes are integrated. These comply with telcordia specifications and are suitable for 24 / 7 operation. The heart of each TOPTICA ultrafast laser – namely the master oscillator and the amplifier – is completely fiber-based which makes alignment redundant and the systems extremely robust.
These and other advantages helped TOPTICA‘s ultrafast fiber lasers to become the ultrafast laser source of choice for many applications: Life sciences, multiphoton microscopy, time-domain terahertz spectroscopy, attosecond science, material processing, amplifier seeding, and many others.
The systems are used for demanding scientific and industrial applications in biophotonics, industrial metrology and quantum technology. TOPTICA is renowned for providing the widest wavelength coverage of lasers on the market, providing high-power lasers even at exotic wavelengths: 190 nm - 0.1 THz (corresponding to 3 mm).
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