HighFinesse Wavelength Meter
Accurate, Sensitive and Compact, with a Large Spectral Range for High-Speed Measurements of Pulsed and Continuous Lasers
- Superb absolute accuracy down to 2 MHz
- Measurement resolution < 200 kHz for demanding wavelength stability control
- Wide measurement ranges available for 192 to 2250 nm
- High speed measurements up to 1500 Hz
The HighFinesse wavelength meters are the unsurpassed high-end instruments for wavelength measurement of pulsed or continuous laser sources. They offer the outstanding absolute and relative accuracy required in cutting-edge scientific research as well as in industrial applications. The unmatched precision of the WS8 series with an absolute accuracy of up to 2 MHz and a measurement resolution of 200 kHz is achieved by using non-moving Fizeau interferometers in a unique geometrical configuration. All HighFinesse wavelength meters are based on this proven concept. To allow even higher stability and precision, temperature and pressure effects are compensated. HighFinesse also offers the fastest commercially available wavemeters. Click here for more information. The sensitivity of the wavelength meters reaches down to the magnitude of nJ while many useful options are available such as PID laser control, which provides an active feedback loop to control the laser wavelength.
With the next generation wavemeters of the WS8 series, you benefit from the most recent advances and improvements in software and hardware development at HighFinesse. This improves the measurement rate from 500 to 1000 Hz.
Absolute Accuracy [MHz]* Measurement Resolution [MHz] Speed [Hz] Wavelength Ranges [nm] Calibration WS8-2 NG** 2 0.1 1000 330 - 1180 see SLR-series WS8-10 NG** 10 0.2 1000 248 - 1750 see SLR-series WS8-2 2 0.2 500 330 - 1180 see SLR-series WS8-10 10 0.4 500 248 - 1750 see SLR-series WS7-30 30 1 500 248 - 2250 see SLR-series WS7-60 60 2 500 192 - 2250 built-in WS6-200 200 4 500, IR: 1500 192 - 2250 built-in WS6-600 600 20 950, IR: 1500 192 - 2250 built-in WS5 3000 500 950, IR: 1500 192 - 2250 built-in *depending on wavelength, see technical information from HighFinesse
**Next Generation -
External TriggerAll wavelength meters detect and measure pulsed signals automatically. Additionally, this option allows the user to trigger pulsed measurements externally. The TTL option guarantees synchronization between pulsed excitation and measurement.
Laser ControlWith the PID option it is possible to stabilize the frequency of up to 8 lasers connected to the wavelength meter using a software based proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID controller). Unlike analog PID electronics, the PID option provides software based signal processing, allowing the laser to be stabilized to a specific user defined frequency or regulated with an arbitrary pattern. To control the frequency oft he lasers, either analog voltages can be used or, in combination with one or more Toptica DLC pros, a direct digital connection via the local network.
MC MultiplexerMC
MultiplexerIn order to measure the frequencies of more than just one laser at a time, an opto-mechanical switch is used. The combination of our high-speed wavelength meters with one of the quickest fiber switches available allows up to eight channels to be measured almost simultaneously. L
Linewidth EstimationThe linewidth estimation of a singlemode laser source is performed by a special algorithm which eliminates the interferometer’s instrument response function. The algorithm enables the estimation of the linewidth with an accuracy better than the tenth of the instrument FSR.
SpectrometerThe spectrometer option allows the analysis of emission spectra to an accuracy of 6 GHz, for laser sources with broad emission. The software automatically searches the spectral section where the laser emission line is located and displays it on the screen. In combination with the additional Fizeau interferometer array this allows wide range applications with a single instrument.
External CalibrationStandard HighFinesse wavelength meters up to an absolute accuracy of 60 MHz feature autocalibration via an integrated calibration source. This guarantees the accuracy and stability of measurements with our wavelength meters. For the higher accuracies we offer a variety of frequency stabilized, narrow linewidth, laser sources with up to 0,5 MHz frequency stability for different applications. -
- Quantum Computing
- Atomic clocks
- Astronomy
For further technical information, datasheets and product brochures, please click here
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